Istanbul Office
Istanbul Office
Mon — Sat: 9AM — 6PM

Crew Management

Crew Management

Our Crew Management is headed by a team of well trained & experienced Master Mariners & Chief Engineers who understand the fact that seafarers are the backbone of the shipping industry.

We have an extensive experience in manning of a wide range of vessel types ranging from main fleet to offshore vessels. We have an extensive pool of Multi-National Crew who are qualified & trained to the highest industry standards. At OCEANEVO every single crew member scheduled for assignment respectively are exclusively & particularly briefed about the nature of the assignment & operations of the Ship.

Through our management system we offer the following services:

  1. Crew Management (Full or Partial manning depending upon the Owners choice).
  2. Crew Training & Evaluation.
  3. Crew Wages remittance.
  4. Ticketing & Visa services for Crew all around the world.
  5. Seafarers flag state documentation.

Further ecaplaning our company strategies,we would like to bring into light that our company follows some strict policies as mentioned bellow:

  • Healtyh Safety & Environment Policy.
  • Recruitment & Pleacement Politicy.
  • Quality Management Politicy.
  • MARPOL Policy.
  • Drug & Alchol Politicy.
  • Health Declaration.
  • Rank wise documentation.

Practice Areas

Manning of Ships

Complete & Partial manning for all category ships.

Sea & Shore Staff

Dedicated pool of sea & shore staff for respective Owners.

Demolition Voyages

Specialized sea staff pool for demolition voyages.

Multi-National Crew

Catering of Multi-National crew for respective Owners | Operators, under any Flag.

Crew Matrix

Assigning crew as per their experience in relevant ships to follow crew matrix on-board all ships.

ADHOC Specialized Crew

Technically qualified & certified riding Crew team for ADHOC repairs & maintenance led by an experienced Bosun or Fitter.